blue   [2021]
video art

Concept & direction: Federica Dauri, Ivan Neri.
Performance: Federica Dauri.
Cinematographer, editor, colorist: Ivan Neri.
Audio post-production: Elisa Batti.

Blue video art work is the result of performative research I have done while we were in the very beginning of the pandemic in a condition of strict lockdown. In this frightening and unknown situation, I decided to isolate myself even more for hours every day in an empty basement with an old broken chair abandoned there. This was my only available working space in which, weirdly, I felt safe while outside the world felt shaky. In those days of loneliness and introspection in the basement, I started experiencing a distorted perception of time and space while feeling a strange sense of peacefulness.

Lorem Ipsum...

Photo credt: Ivan Neri